Tuesday, July 3, 2012


NEWS HOUR HONOR ROLL, EIGHT MORE: Spc. Treavor A. Pinnick US Army Age 20 Lawrenseville, IL, Sgt. Joseph M. Lilly US Army Age 25 Flint, MI, Sgt Nicholas C. Fredsti US Army Age 30 San Diego, CA, Pfc. Jarrod A. Lallier US Army Age 20 Spokane, WA, Spec. John D. Meador, II US Army Age 36 Columbia, SC, Sgt. 1st Class Mathew B. Thomas US Army Age 30 Travelers Rest, SC, 1st Lt. Ryan D. Tawl US Army Age 30 Lexington, SC, Sgt. Jose Rodriguez US Army Age 22 Gustine, CA... The carnage continues unabated; eight more young Americans wasted on this phony war; corporate empire. Eight more son who will never again enjoy 4th of July cook outs w/ friends and family. Eight more mothers and fathers left w/a hole i their hearts that will never heal. Not to mention the uncounted thousands of brown people our government loves to slaughter in the name of 'freedom' while, here at home, everything is being done to rob us of said freedoms, one by one. Disgusting.