Saturday, April 13, 2013

When some one close to us dies....

we grieve and eventually move on; life demands it.  When that some one is one's own child, a thing so against nature, the aching hole left in one's heart never heals; and, yet, we grieve and eventually move on.  From where does that kind of fortitude come?
The families of the Sandy Hook Massacre have not had the time to fall into the abyss of grief; so necessary, if one is to go on.  I dare say that they are operating, day by day, moment by moment, on a kind of auto-pilot.
Together, they have harnessed the shock of the horror they share for the good of us all; they must keep moving.  Keep moving and involved in their cause to make their sacrifice mean something; some thing noble and lasting as a memorial to those gone forever.  These families are becoming one; one family; they will need each other the rest of their lives.
I presume to write this because almost every one I ever loved is dead; including, one of my two adult children.  Perhaps, we marvel at their strength because we cannot imagine their loss; the suddenness of it and the brutality.  The very fact that they have had to form this band to take on our elected reps. reveals anew the craven nature of our culture.  If I could pray I would; so, as my son used to say, 'We'll keep a good thought for them.'  Amen.
I wonder what it would be like to live in a civilized country...

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